2024/12/09感謝客戶對我們益彰機械股份有限公司的信任!從接單的第一步到確認設計圖,再到製造完成,經歷了數月的持續溝通與調整,最終成功幫客戶打造了專屬客製化攻牙機台,幫助客戶大幅降底產線成本,提升生產效率!We sincerely thank our customer for their trust! From the initial order to finalizing the design and completing production, we spent months in continuous communication and adjustments. Finally, we successfully delivered a fully customized machine, helping our customer significantly enhance production efficiency!
在此祝福所有工具機業的朋友: 大家一起努力,告別不景氣,訂單滿滿,滿載而歸!
We also extend our best wishes to all friends in the machine tool industry:Say goodbye to economic downturns, enjoy full order books, and bring home your dreams!